The immense redneck, maybe in his early 50s, sat down across from me. On aesthetic grounds, I paid attention to other things.
"Yeggawt un them Aaeeiim books!" he said. I looked at him;
I looked where he was looking, at my bookbag; one of the I Am books
was sticking out, but only the I Am logo on the back of one of the
books was visible. He recognized the logo?
I finally decoded that what he'd said was "you've got one of those
I Am books!" I was absolutely amazed.
"Yes! Interesting stuff. Really odd sense of design," I said noncommitally. I passed him one of the books.
"Outlann Fourth Class!" he read from the cover. He flipped thru the book, nodding approvingly. "They gawt some them I Am books over some bookstore around here. Gawt a whole bunch. Over there, over on Morseeta or something" he said, naming some street I'd never heard of, or at least could not decode his pronunciation of.
He then named the bookstore. In New Mexico, about a third of the bookstores are the big chains; about a third are porn; and about a third are bizarre fringe Christian. I assumed that the bookstore he named was in the latter category. It turned out, oddly, to be an anomalous, "metaphysical" bookstore near U New Mexico. But all they had in the way of I Am stuff was an ikon of Saint Germain. The trail went cold.
THE CROSS OF BLUE FLAME -- Voice of the "I AM," --
March, 1938, Page 24, line 7-38, First edition;
Page 26, line 5-31, Second edition.We ask all the "I AM" Students in the School, as well as other "I AM" Students, to visualize a Gigantic Cross of Violet-Blue Flame rising out of the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean and holding back from the Americas the war entity of Europe. Another Cross of Blue Flame should be held in the western part of the Pacific Ocean to hold back the war entity of the Orient.
As the Students see this clearly and of gigantic proportions, holding back all war conditions of the rest of the world from the Americas, the Ascended Masters can focus Their Action of the Cross of Blue Flame with terrific Power; and COMPEL all destructive forces in the rest of the world, to STOP their insane destruction of human Life in the other countries as well.
The color of Blue in the Flame is like that of an electric spark with a touch of Violet. It is such a Concentration of the Ascended Masters, Electronic Force that It blazes high into the atmosphere and around the Orient and Europe, so destructive individuals and activities cannot pass through to reach the Americas.
The Student should say: "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" and Great Host of Ascended Masters! focus Your Cross of Violet-Blue Flame at these points with such Cosmic Power and Activity that nothing can come into the Americas but Your Almighty Victory, Power and Perfection of the Unfed Flame forever! Then, expand Its Activity, until It consumes all destructive conditions throughout the World -- forever!
I posted the above text about almost ten years ago. Since then, the Internet has ramified and weirdulated, exposing all sorts of links between information new and old. Notably: