As with all artifacts of really creative religions, the text and the pictures competed for what would be weirder:
THE UNFED FLAME -- Voice of the "I AM," November 1937
Page 24, line 6-15 page 25, First edition;
Page 24. line 5-10 page 25, Second edition.Study This Picture of the Unfed Flame. Look at It steadily for some few minutes. Close your eyes and remember what It was like. Then recall every detail of It. If you do not remember quite clearly at first, open your eyes, look at It again for further detail and close your eyes to try it again.
When you can remember quite dearly, see the Three Plumes of Flame very large around your physical body! The Golden Plume within and directly in front of you, larger than your physical body, Blazing, Sparkling, and Dazzling Bright!
Then, see the Pink Plume at your right side, within and slightly behind you and reaching from the floor to some distance above your head; the same as with the Golden Flame.
See the Blue Plume at your left side, within and slightly behind your left shoulder. Hold the Picture of these Plumes of Flame large enough for them to meet and enclose you within them.. Feel This with all the Love of your Heart and hold It with Very Great Joy!
Now, see a tiny Unfed Flame within your Heart, making the Three Plumes clear and distinct. Then make Them expand until They meet the Plumes of Flame enfolding you.
As the Inner and Outer Flames meet, feel deeply all the Perfection you desire in and around your body and filling your world! As you form the habit of doing This and feeling It deeply three times a day, such Glory, Miracles, Victories, and Success will be yours as you cannot even imagine.
May every human being on Earth learn to do this and have the Perfection and Freedom It brings.
...and that was about as coherent as it got.
The guy who ran the bookstore had priced these books, neither over fifty pages, at $4 apiece.
I thought, this stuff is totally schizoid and if I don't buy them now, ten cents a page or no, I will regret it forever.