Scans of the Codex Seraphinianus Script
Below are a few scans of the script(s) in the Codex Seraphinianus, with a few illustrations thrown in for fun.
The page numbers are just my attempts at romanizing
the Seraphinian numbers. The nicknames are just something
I made up.
Section 2, Page "7" and facing: "Osteoantenna"
- a1c.gif -- Left page, title and left column
- a2c.gif -- Left page, right column
- b0a0.jpg -- small version of Right Page (37K)
- b0a.jpg -- large version of Right Page (413K)
Section 2, Page "VII6": "Alphabets"
Section 2, Page "AV116" and facing: "Mortadellagenesis"
An aside: one thing that most surprised me about seeing a copy of
the Codex in person is its size -- I expecetd a normal-sized book, but
the Codex is tall, and it comes in an odd Solander case. The actual
volume's boards are covered with black silk that is as dark as black
velvet. It is very subtly odd.