MS-Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
As compiled by me, over the years.
Window Control
- Alt-Space
- Open the current app-window's "control menu" (AKA "system menu")
(The thing you get by hitting the "-" to the left of the app's
title bar.)
- Alt-"-"
- Open the current document-window's "control menu" (AKA "system menu")
- Alt (by itself)
- Select the first (normally, leftmost) item on the Menu Bar.
(Maybe "File", maybe the document-window's control "-" menu)
- F10
- When not overridden, same as Alt (by itself).
- Shift-F10
- Win9x: When not overridden, pop up the "shortcut menu"
(same as right-mouse-click -- often called "Properties")
Application & Document Switching
- Ctrl-Esc
- Pop up the Task List window.
- Win9x: Pop up the "Start" menu.
- Alt-Esc
- Switch to the next application
("Next" referring to the next one down in the order of apps
you get when you hit Ctrl-Esc.)
The current (topmost) app goes to the bottom in the new order.
(Note that minimizing an application also sends to to the bottom
of that tasklist order.)
- Shift-Alt-Esc
- Switch to the previous applicaton.
("Previous" referring to the farthest one down in the order of apps
you get when you hit Ctrl-Esc.)
The current (topmost) app goes to second place in the new order.
- Alt-Tab
- Switch to another app.
(Hold Alt and repeatedly press Tab in order to go thru the apps
listed in the order they're listed in in the Ctrl-Esc list.
I.e., you start from the 2nd-from-the-top and move down.)
The current (topmost) app goes to second place in the new order.
- Shift-Alt-Tab
- Switch to another app.
(Hold Alt and repeatedly press Tab in order to go thru the apps
listed in the order INVERSE to how they're listed in in the
Ctrl-Esc list -- i.e., you start from the bottom and move up.)
The current (topmost) app goes to second place in the new order.
You can shift from Shift-Alt-Tab order to Alt-Tab order as long
as you hold down Alt.
- Alt-F4
- Close this app.
- Ctrl-F6
- Switch to the next document window in this app.
- Shift-Ctrl-F6
- Switch to the previous document window in this app.
Sometimes unrecognized, or assigned another function.
- Ctrl-Tab
- Same as Ctrl-F6.
Sometimes unrecognized, or assigned another function.
- Shift-Ctrl-Tab
- Same as Shift-Ctrl-F6.
Sometimes unrecognized, or assigned another function.
Form-Box Screen Control
- Tab
- Move to the next field (radio button group, picklist, scroll-list,
checkbox, button, etc).
- Shift-Tab
- Move to the previous field.
- Space
- Toggle the state of checkboxes.
- Up or Left
- Generally: Switch to (and make active) the previous radio
button in this field.
Or, in a picklist, switch to the previous option in this picklist.
- Down or Right
- Generally: Switch to (and make active) the next radio
button in this field.
Or, in a picklist, switch to the next option in this picklist.
- Ctrl-Home
- Switch to the topmost option in this picklist.
- Ctrl-End
- Switch to the bottommost option in this picklist.
- Alt-Up or Alt-Down
- Expand or Contract the drop-down for the current picklist.
(I.e., toggle between just the one line, or a few lines
with a scrollbar.)
Screen Capture
- PrintScreen
- Snapshot the screen to the clipboard.
- Alt-PrintScreen
- Snapshot the current application window to the clipboard.
(Note that there seems to be no corresponding keystroke for
getting just the current document window.)
- Ctrl-Ins
- Copy
- Shift-Ins
- Paste
- Shift-Del
- Cut
Shift- with any of the below means "continue (or start) selecting,
while moving the cursor to..."
- Home
- Start of current line.
- End
- End of current line.
- Ctrl-Right
- Start of the previous word.
- Ctrl-Left
- Start of the next word.
- Ctrl-Home
- Start of doc.
- Ctrl-End
- End of doc.
- Ctrl-PgUp
- Top of the current window.
- Ctrl-PgDn
- Bottom of the current window.
- PgUp
- Scroll the current window one screen-worth up.
- PgDn
- Scroll the current window one screen-worth down.