Adapted from Holzner, Yupa. /Great Thai Cooking for My American Friends: Creative Thai Dishes Made Easy/. Royal House 1989. ISBN:0930440277 CUCUMBER AND ORANGE SALAD Makes 2 servings. 1 small greenhouse cucumber, sliced thin. 2 navel oranges, peeled, separated into segments (seeded if necessary), and probably chopped into chunks. Dressing: 3 tablespoons rice vinegar .5 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon roasted sesame seeds .5 tablespoons mirin Mix all ingredients in the dressing. Pour the dressing over the oranges and cucumbers, and toss. Serve. All ingredient quantities are approximate. Adjust to taste. Multipy quantities for more servings. Note: the sesame seeds you get in an American supermarket are almost certain to be unroasted, suspiciously waxy-looking, and astronomically overpriced. Good cheap sesame seeds are available at most Asian markets -- they usually come roasted; if they're unroasted, roast them in a skillet for a few short minutes as needed.