Obergefell v. Hodges - Oral Arguments and Ruling
Obergefell v. Hodges is the 2015 US Supreme Court case on
the issue of whether
gay marriage
should be recognized as a right in the US.
- (The ruling, June 26, 2015, is to be found
as a PDF at the Supreme Court's web site:
#14–556, Ruling: "Held: The Fourteenth Amendment requires a State to license a
marriage between two people of the same sex and to recognize a marriage
between two people of the same sex when their marriage was lawfully
licensed and performed out-of-State."
I plan to put the document as HTML here too.)
- Transcript of the oral arguments before the US Supreme Court
on April 28, 2015
- List of cases/etc mentioned
in the transcript (mostly complete?), in order of mention:
- Links from things mentioned in passing... [except where
noted, all are links
to entries in the English Wikipedia]
- Same-sex marriage in Massachusetts
«... you can say 10 years of marriage for Massachusetts,
but it's also...»
Same-sex marriage in Michigan
«...that the primary purpose of the Michigan law
limiting marriage to a man and a woman...»
«...we had and -- and Europe had this
coverture system...»
Same-sex marriage, section "History" and
Same-sex marriage in the Netherlands, section
«But I don't know of any -- do you know of any society, prior
to the Netherlands in 2001, that permitted same-sex
And consider also: an article by a professor of
"Is same-sex marriage anything new?":
"Clearly, none of the justices or the lawyers thought to ask an anthropologist.
Any knowledgeable anthropologist would easily have answered 'yes.'"
- "Homosexuality in ancient Greece"
«That is not a universal opinion throughout history and across
all cultures. Ancient Greece is an example.»
- Plato's Symposium
«People like Plato wrote in favor of that, did he not?»
!Kung People, section "Marriage"
«If you read the -- about the Kalahari people or -- or ancient
- Same-sex_marriage_in_Maine
«The situation in Maine, I think, is -- is characteristic. In
2009, I guess»
Consanguine marriage
«Sir, how about the consanguinity situation?»
Defense of Marriage Act
«with respect to DOMA in Windsor, the nonrecognition laws»
- Links to who spoke when, in the transcript.
- The English Wikipedia page on Obergefell v. Hodges